WIP - a Wee Man's Quilt

Well here we are! As you can see the quilt is still unfinished, that is deliberate though as I have tried a few of the blue samples I currently have against the quilt and I don't like any of them

I am off to the Quilt Show at Edinburgh tomorrow on a mission of looking for material to border the quilt.

I have to say I am very pleased with the way it has turned out. Especially as it is made up of 5" squares bought for very little on eBay.

The plan was originally to practice piecing and make a cushion. But I am afraid the designer in me...and the true Virgoen......who likes order and symmetry .....took over.

Here is a close up showing my first attempt at Machine Quilting, not very accurate but the effect is quite good. Makes the back of the quilt look pretty cool too.

Hopefully I will be able to present you with a finished item over the next couple of weeks, and Niall will get part of his 12th BIrthday present a little late but worth the wait.

I am afraid I haven't picked up the Lady Sweater again since the Dyelot saga. This is partly due to me being in a bit of a huff with it and mostly due to both a neighbour and one of my son's friends wives producing baby boys this week.

Not a problem for a woman with a big stash you may think! Well, if they had produced Girls all would be great. I have pink 4ply coming out of my ears. Blues are however a very scarce.

I have solved one issue as I know the dad of said baby boy is a fan of Hibernian Football Club who play in Green and White. I have found green lurking at the bottom of the pile, and I am knitting some baby socks based on the Interweave better than bootees as we speak.

You may need to create a login to see this pattern but it is well worth it and absolutely free!

I will post pictures once they are finished but here is a sneak preview.

These are actually knitted with Vintage Lister Lee 3 ply wool on 2mm bamboo needles.

I have a confession that I have never knitted anything on needles smaller than 3.25mm before, and I am finding it quite relaxing.

The pattern is really simple and the stitches are so small and delicate that I have to keep stopping and admiring them. Perhaps if Iwas knitting a ladies jumper on such small needles the thrill would be short lived. But I am not so I shall enjoy.

I knit all my socks on bamboo needles, I find metal ones too scratchy and the bamboo feels soft and warm in your fingers...highly recommended to add to thh relaxation factor of knitting in the round on small needles.

Well that is me up to date. I am contemplating listing the quilt pattern on Etsy for anyone who is looking for a simple scrap quilt. Maybe this will fund my next foray into quilt design.

Oh, and just to prove Niall's quilt is not a one off.....here is the one I prepared earlier..... for Dad's 75th.

In situ of course!!!

Again made with squares purchased from Ebay, mostly blues and pinks. Cut into triangles and made into diamonds. Sashed with florals and gingham and backed with plain blue.

This was hand quilted in the ditch and it has never been off the bed since I made it. Came in very useful earlier this month when the temperature dropped below freezing at night.


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