You can teach an old dog new tricks part 2

So, one of the girls at work is leaving to have a baby, and everyone expects me to knit or crochet something, and I though why not do something a bit different. Now I have made quilted cot covers before but only using the big picture panels, which involve no cutting and piecing. This time I decided to go the whole way and cut, piece and quilt a cot cover, just for the fun of it!!!

I had been in a little material shop in Linlithgow a week before with hubby who was buying yards of black cloth to act as a backdrop for his photography, (see link to NicholsonStudios on the right for some of his early work), when I saw a lovely little pack of 8 Fat Quarters for £8 ($16), that may seem a lot to you in the US but here in the UK that is actually quite good. It was begging me to buy it so what could I do. I almost bought 2 but managed to hold myself back!!

So I bought it, washed it , cut it , pieced it, quilted it and bound it over the last weeked....and the finished product is......

Well Bright!!

I love it, and hopefully my pal will too.

Her Partner is Spanish and this looked really Mediterranean to me, and as we rarely see a lot of sun in Scotland I am hoping it will remind them both of Spain.

I have to say that I am raring to go now to make another, but I should spin some more yarn first and finish off the crochet belts I am making for next week's craft fair, along with knitting the sleeves and collar on the top down jacket from last week's post.... I suppose I will have to go to work too somewhere along the line.

Not fair!?!??!?!?!?!? I just want to make stuff, I would throw my dummy out of the pram, but I don't have a quilt of my own to cosy up into, maybe I could............


Unknown said…
this is lovely ..
I love the color especially.. sure your pal will like it too :)

I found your blog from the forum thread:

see you around :)
Jane said…
Love the colours, I'm sure baby (and your friend will love it).

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