Sew much to do......
Only one day left of the Easter break and I am back at work tomorrow, it just ain't fair. I could do this whole crafting thing full time, and it would be great. Unfortunately the bank may not be quite so keen. I have made myself a promise though...3 long days at work this week and a full week off next. Hopefully that promise will be more sucessful than the one I have made to the overlocker. With a full week off after Friday who knows what could happen.
I have been asked to join a Made in Scotland Flickr Group which is really cool, and I am going to have a go at craftjuice this afternoon. I know that ain't sewing but the more interest I can get in my items the more chance I can cut back on the ratrace hours then I will have more time to knit, crochet, sew, and I may even get to try the other things I want to do like felt, spin and knit/crochet jewellery.
Watch this space...but please don't hold your breathe!