The Sample Bridesmaid Wrap

Well that is me finished the sample wrap for Mandy. This one is in white with pearls around the edge but the yarn I have for Mandy is Ivory to match her dress. I have bought Rowan Kid Silk Aura for the job and it looks gorgeous. It also feel very soft.

Comments would be most welcome. It is also listed on Etsy for Sale...if anyone is interested ;0)

I have had quite a good evening so far, am half way through a little crochet dolly bag to match the wrap. I am also halfway through a bottle of wine which has rendered crocheting with beads impossible. Well it is Friday.

I have been listening to The Secret in the car this week and made myself visualise increasing my Hearts on Etsy to 100 from 40 by the end of the month. I am up to 90 already. I also set myself the goal of a total of 35 purchases by the end of the month, still 2 weeks to go and 6 sales to be had. It feels weird because it is not actually the money that is important, I want to know that people like my designs...I suppose anyone who creates things feels the same. every time you finish something there is a little bit of you left in it. That is why it is so special when you are given something that someone has made.

My Valentine card and poem from the Wee Man is a case in point. The card was sweet and the poem was in the style of Tam O'Shanter. If you don't know what that is I will give you a clue....he used the word spew as a rhyming word!!!!

He is 11 this weekend so I suppose I should be making the most of the last couple of years when he gives his mum a valentine.........judging by the 8 he received form girls in his class this year I am up against some stiff competition!!!!


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